Monday 30 October 2017

"Harassing students is the worst practice" by Mehwish Abbasi

My write up in Daily Awami Awaz on the harassment issue in University of Sindh(Jamshoro) titled as
"Harassing students is the worst practice" by Mehwish Abbasi
Published on 30 Oct 2017
for easy reading
شاگردياڻين کي هيسائڻ بدترين عمل آهي
مهوش عباسي

عوامي آواز 30 آڪٽوبر 2017

Thursday 13 July 2017

My article in Daily Awami Awaz titled as #JITReport and politics of Nawaz family published on 13 july 2017 (جي آئي ٽي رپورٽ ۽ نواز خاندان جي سياست__ مهوش عباسي)

My article in Daily Awami Awaz titled as #JITReport and politics of Nawaz family
published on 13 july 2017
(جي آئي ٽي رپورٽ ۽ نواز خاندان جي سياست__ مهوش عباسي)

Tuesday 20 June 2017

1996ع ۾ پوليس آفيسرن کي شهيد ڪندڙ ۽ ان سڄي ۾ معاملي ۾ ملوث ڏوهارين کي اڄ تائين وائکو ڇو نه ڪيو ويو آهي؟ اگر ملڪ ۾ اهڙي روايت قائم رهي ته اسيمبليون ۽ ايوان به محفوظ نه رهندا... مهوش عباسي

International Mother language day by Mehwish Abbasi اڄ جي هن جديد دور ۾ سنڌي ئي پنهنجي مادري ٻولي کان پري ٿيندا پيا وڃن، جيجل ماءُ امڙ بابا ۽ ڀاءُ جهڙن مٺڙن لفظن بجاءِ انگريزي لفظن ممي، ڊيڊي، پاپا، آنٽي ۽ براڌر جهڙا لفظ عام طور استعمال ٿيڻ لڳا آهن، خاص ڪري مٿين طبقي سان واسطو رکندڙ ماڻهو سنڌي ۾ لکڻ يا سنڌي ڳالهائڻ کي ترجيح نه ٿا ڏين.، بلڪه سنڌي ڳالهائڻ کي پنهنجي گهٽتائي ٿا سمجهن. مهوش عباسي

Sindh Balouchistan love hate war and Pakistan state write up by Mehwish Abbasi ڇو ته تاريخ گواه آهي سنڌين هميشه بلوچن کي پنهنجو ڀاء سمجهيو آهي ۽ بلوچن پنهنجي آزادي جي جنگ ۾ ڪڏهن به غلط رستو اختيار ناهي ڪيو. مهوش عباسي

افسوس آهي هن ملڪ جي صورتحال تي ٻين ملڪن ۾ مبارڪ مهينن ۽ مذهبي تهوارن تي عوام کي رليف ۽ آسائشون فراهم ڪيون وينديون آهن. مهوش عباسي The country Pakistan with Nuclear power and electricity crisis

افسوس آهي ته اڃان تائين اسانجي ماڻهن کي سوشل ميڊيا جو درست استعمال ڪرڻ ناهي آيو. خيالن جي آزادي ۽ ڇڙواڳي ۾ زمين آسمان جو فرق آهي مهوش عباسي People and use of Social media by Mehwish Abbasi

My write up in Daily Awami Awaz 10 April 2017 titles as "War in #Syria and international powers"Mehwish Abbasi

The Syrian civil war is the deadliest conflict the 21st century has witnessed thus far.
As the Syrian conflict enters its seventh year, more than 465,000 Syrians have been killed in the fighting, more than a million injured and over 12 million Syrians - half the country's prewar population - have been displaced from theirIn 2011, what became known as the Arab Spring revolts toppled Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.
That March, peaceful protests erupted in Syria as well, after 15 boys were detained and tortured for having written graffiti in support of the Arab Spring. One of the boys, 13-year-old Hamza al-Khateeb, was killed after having been brutally tortured.
The Syrian government, led by President Bashar al-Assad, responded to the protests by killing hundreds of demonstrators and imprisoning many more. In July 2011, defectors from the military announced the formation of the Free Syrian Army, a rebel group aiming to overthrow the government, and Syria began to slide into civil war.
Initially, lack of freedoms and economic woes fuelled resentment of the Syrian government, and public anger was inflamed by the harsh crackdown on protesters. Successful uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt energised and gave hope to Syrian pro-democracy activists. Many Islamist movements were also strongly opposed to the Assads' rule.
Although the initial protests were mostly non-sectarian, armed conflict led to the emergence of starker sectarian divisions. Minority religious groups tend to support the Assad government, while the overwhelming majority of opposition fighters are Sunni Muslims.
Although most Syrians are Sunni Muslims, Syria's security establishment has long been dominated by members of the Alawite sect, of which Assad is a member.
The sectarian split is reflected among regional actors' stances as well.
In 1982, Bashar al-Assad's father, Hafez, ordered a military crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood in Hama, which killed between 10,000-40,000 people and flattened much of the city.
Even global warming has been claimed to have played a role in sparking the 2011 uprising. A severe drought plagued Syria from 2007-10, spurring as many as 1.5 million people to migrate from the countryside into cities, which exacerbated poverty and social unrest.
Foreign involvement
Foreign backing and open intervention have played a large role in Syria's civil war. An international coalition led by the United States has bombed targets of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group since 2014.
The US has repeatedly stated its opposition to the Assad government, but has hesitated to involve itself deeply in the conflict, even after the Assad government allegedly used chemical weapons in 2013, which former US President  Barack Obama had referred to as a "red line" that would prompt intervention.
On April 7, the US carried its first direct military action against Al-Assad's forces, launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian air force base from which US officials believe a chemical attack in Khan Sheikhoun had been launched.
In October 2015, the US scrapped its controversial programme to train Syrian rebels, after it was revealed that it had spent $500m but only trained 60 fighters.
In February 2017, the CIA froze funding and logistical support for rebel factions in northern Syria but according to  Free Syrian Army (FSA) sources , the funding has been restored to a certain extent late March.
Russia launched in September 2015 a bombing campaign against what it referred to as "terrorist groups" in Syria, which included ISIL as well as rebel groups backed by western states. Russia has also deployed military advisers to shore up Assad's defences.
Several Arab states, along with Turkey, have provided weapons and materiel to rebel groups in Syria . The governments of majority-Shia Iran and Iraq support Assad, as does Lebanon-based Hezbollah; while Sunni-majority states including Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and others staunchly support the rebels.
Turkish troops and special forces, backed by the Free Syria Army, launched in August 2016 operation  "Euphrates Shield" against ISIL to liberate the strategic Syrian city of Jarablus on the border with Turkey and stop the advance of Kurdish militia fighters. Turkey's government fears its large native Kurdish population may grow more restive and demand greater autonomy as a result.
Euphrates Shield operation is considered to be the first Turkish ground intervention in Syria since the Syrian crisis started in 2011.
In March 2017, Turkey officially ended the Euphrates Shield military operation, but Prime Minister Binali Yildirim suggested there might be more cross-border campaigns to come.

Sindhi channels and Their credibility

Our #Sindhi channels have lost their credibility, I always feel ashamed and disappointed watching Sindhi channels whose priority is not Sindhi culture and rituals who have forgotten the real identification of #Sindh and Sindhis.
Since last few days host of Sindhi Tv channel #KTN #AamirShah is under debate of speaking Urdu during his show #Hojamalo.
In case of Aamir Shah firstly the channel is Sindhi so the transmission must be based on Sindhi language (apart of any special transmission), secondly Aamir Shah's Sindhi language is also not pure Sindhi, thirdly I have also noticed that Aamir has craze of speaking Urdu with audience even he also speaks Urdu with Sindhi audiences, fourthly Aamir mostly select Urdu songs to sing during his show.
Another thing other Urdu Tv channels hosts never speak Sindhi during their shows neither they play Sindhi songs nor they have any Sindhi speaking guest etc.
Our Sindhi channels must give priority to Sindhi culture and Sindhi language boycott Aamir shah and boycott such other hosts and transmissions.
We respect our national languages but if the channel is representing Sindhi culture and language then they must give priority to that.
I request all Sindhi channels and their honors to play Sindhi culture based dramas and songs kindly don't ruin our culture by showing wrong image of Sindhis and Sindh we have good stories to play on channels we have good characters to show world and we have good examples.
P.S Wrote this post in English to convey my message globally.